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Machin Study Group

Meeting of January 7, 2014

Members present: Peter B.; Dan B.; Reay C.; Jim C.; David G.; Don H.; John L.; Jorge M.; Garfield P.; Vijay V.

David G. welcomed the group and called the meeting to order. Garfield took notes as secretary for the evening. Vijay and Jim C. provided coffee and cookies

David announced and distributed scans of the new Prestige Booklet that carries a face value of £13.97 but has only one pane containing Machins ---- 2 x 5p + 2 x 2p

David announced that he has been able to completely satisfy the want list submitted last month by Peter J. Peter was not in attendance tonight and it was learned the next day that he was undergoing some dental surgery about an hour before the meeting.

Jorge told the interesting story of sorting Machins during the three days that he was without electrical service due to the Christmas ice storm. During daylight hours he sorted stamps in the natural light but after darkness settled, he continued his sorting using an ultra violet light. He explained that there is not much else to do in a 3-day power failure when you live on the 20th floor! Thank goodness for 7 large boxes of Machins.

Garfield reported that he had purchased the full set of album pages from Robin Harris. Robin has graciously consented to allow Garfield to reproduce and distribute selected pages to accommodate the group assembly of a Machin reference collection.

Thank you Robin!

Dan B. posed a question with respect to PERFINS on British stamps: Are perfins subject to government regulations?

It was generally agreed that none of us knew the answer.

I have since undertaken an internet search for an answer and found a history of perfins at

Click Here >> British Postal Museum http://www.postalheritage.org.uk/page/perfins

It appears that perfins were produced by Sloper with the general blessing of the post office but without post office control.. We will be happy to receive information from anyone with more confirmed information.

Don H. reported that he has been doing extensive experimental research with respect to the strength of the phosphor bars on used Machins that had been removed from envelopes by soaking. His conclusion is that the phosphor bands do tend to lose strength or disappear when stamps are soaked in water.

Vijay announced that he has recently purchased a collection of 2000+ Machin cylinder blocks. He explained that be checking the cylinder numbers in the Deegam catalogue he is able to obtain positive identification of paper and gum types.

John L. reported that he has obtained a number of stock books and has spent considerable time sorting Machins with values up to 20p. He showed a few stock books containing several thousands of used stamps.

Jim C. reported that he was having difficulty with downloading the album pages that were sent via email. We will try to find a solution for him. He is also looking for a 60p emerald.

Reay reports that he was busy sorting his 8p Machins for the evening project.

As the discussion of the 8p stamp began, we discovered that only 2 members had downloaded the distributed album pages. With the lack of preparation, the discussion of purpose and direction became general. What we did come to realize is that with the analysis of one value only, members are really examining their holdings closely. After a short discussion, it was obvious to all that the reference collection project will be a great learning tool that will have the additional benefit of a useful final outcome.

Don H. asked if we could include photographic examples of the phosphor bands of the 8p red with this meeting report. Garfield agreed to take his stamps to the Greene Foundation and use the VSC6000 to produce photos of phosphor bands under short wave U.V. lighting.

The February meeting will feature the following:

Next meeting February 4, 2014